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Philips Pronto Classic Family File Area
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Sony DVP-S7700 DVD Player
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by David Chalif | 2002
Operated by model RMT-D107A original remote control.
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

Download attachments:
April 29, 2002
48kb, 76 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
David Chalif's First Pronto CCF
This is my first attempt at programming my Pronto. After many attempts and much tinkering, I have a complete CCF configuration which includes all the remote functions on the Hughes HD Receiver. Many of the channels on a DIRECTV system are one-button accessible, and video switching is done through macros on one of the home screens. Thanks to everyone whose bitmaps and ideas I freely borrowed.
Components in this system:
DSS Receiver:
Hughes HIRD-E86 (HRMC-6)
JVC HR-S3800U (LP20303-015)
Loewe Aconda
DVD Player:
Sony DVP-S7700 (RMT-D107A)
Yamaha RX-V2095 (RAV180)

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