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Marantz RC-430 Receiver
Device Configuration/Code File
Added by Zorislav Shoyat | 2000
Operated by model RMC-12 original remote control.
A 1985 Marantz universal remote receiver driving the (orange) Remote control BUS. Components: Tuner, Amplifier, Tape 1, Tape 2, Phono, CD, Power. Usable for all Marantz Remote control BUS components of that time. Labeled for: TT-530, RC-430, ST-64L, PM-630, SD-74. This is a long ago promissed update. The Marantz equipment of that time uses NEC codes for devices 176 and 177 (full code names in the file).

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November 14, 2000
12kb, 189 downloads
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