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Philips Pronto Classic Family File Area
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Added by Lyndel McGee | 2005
v2.0.0.8 Official The ultimate tool for CD and DVD megachanger integration into your Pronto remote. Major features: Updated UI with new sort capabilities. List links and hard buttons can now be set to point to both Home Page and Macro pages. New support for "Favorites" sub-list. Reference a set of favorite discs from the Alphabet page. New support for surround field and aspect ratio assignable at the disc level. New support for GIF filenames in the icon subsystem. All header buttons now have pressed and unpressed color selections. Provide ability to not send IR commands for disc and/or track selection controlled by settings in the SNL player definition. See the MS Word documentation for complete details. Extras: MS Word documentation; SNL JumpStart package also included.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
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September 2, 2005
2.82mb, 98 downloads
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