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Added anonymously | 2014
IrScrutinizer is a powerful program for capturing, generating, analyzing, importing, and exporting of infrared (IR) signals.

For capturing and sending IR signals several different hardware sensors and senders are supported. IR Signals can be imported not only by capturing from one of the supported hardware sensors (among others: IrWidget, Global Caché, and Arduino), but also from a number of different file formats (among others: LIRC, Wave, Pronto Classic and professional, RMDU (partially), and different text based formats; not only from files, but also from the clipboard, from URLs, and from file hierarchies), as well as the Internet IR Databases by Global Caché and by IRDB.

Imported signals can be decoded, analyzed, edited, and plotted. A collection of IR signal can thus be assembled and edited, and finally exported in one of the many supported formats.

In addition, the program contains the powerful IrpMaster IR-renderer, which means that almost all IR protocols known to the Internet community can be generated.

Official home page: [Link:]

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October 14, 2014
5.36mb, 866 downloads
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Comment by Barf on Sunday May 1, 2016 at 11:55
This version is not the current. The current version is available at [Link:] as well as at [Link:]

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