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Displaying 5 entries.
Integra DPS-5.5 DVD Player
Added by Stephen D'Angelo | 2004 | 2,091 views
This file will work with all Integra DVD players. It includes a seperate device if you are using the DVD as a SACD or CD player also. The difference is the panel with the extras can be used for surround modes.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Mitsubishi HS-U748 VHS VCR
Added by Stephen D'Angelo | 2004 | 2,382 views
Nothing fancy, just a basic PCF using the 3 tab method that will work with most Mitsubishi VCRs. It includes discrete power and a page that can be used for using the VCR's tuner for basic cable.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Samsung HLN-617W Television
Added by Stephen D'Angelo | 2004 | 2,289 views
A basic tested file with all discrete codes. Also works on the 50" model.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Scientific Atlanta Explorer 4200HD Cable Box
Added by Stephen D'Angelo | 2004 | 2,639 views
This is my latest version of this file. The grafics were gleaned from other PCFs. My thanks to all those who contributed. It includes all icons for the latest version of "Cablevision North of Westchester" channel lineup in NY, including the music channels.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Scientific Atlanta Explorer 4200HD Cable Box
Added by Stephen D'Angelo | 2003 | 2,078 views
My color version of this remote created from original remote. Has icons for stations as well as digital music channels.
Designed for:
Yamaha RAV-2000

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