Button/text legibility was the key criteria in the design of this PCF, which was based on my previous RC5200 CCF. Another vital design criteria was the ability to alter most amp/monitor/lighting settings from within each device. Discrete codes are used throughout, as are macros to automate processes. UK folk with the SKY+ DSS/PVR may find the design/channel logos of interest. To summarise: spouse & eyesight friendly, high functionality, low in sex appeal.
My upgraded large screen RC5200 CCF submission. The focus remains on button legibility and operation (for older folk like me) with large buttons/pads & 14 pt plus typeface. I have compensated for lack of sex appeal by producing a design which, thanks to extensive use of macros, is fully automated and easy to use. Supports lighting control via X10 & Lutron Telume, as well as the normal A/V equipment. I have adopted the 3 tier system of aliasing buttons to IR codes to enable simple substitution with other AV equipment. Now a fairly elaborate and complex program.