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PCF Switcher
User-Written Utilities & Documents
Added by Daniel Tonks | 2009
v0.3 Tired of being unable to load PCF files not created by your remote’s particular software without first manually editing the comment section? PCF Switcher to the rescue! In the tradition of Pronto.ini Wizard and CCF Picker, this utility is designed to make transporting PCF files between the Philips ProntoEdit NG and Marantz packages easier, by automatically editing any PCF’s comment section with the correct version number for your software. In addition, PCF Switcher will also make a minor change to the XML code (if necessary) so that objects display correctly in Marantz

Updated to support all software versions and Pronto NG models.

Designed for:
All Philips Pronto NG Models
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February 4, 2009
1.79mb, 377 downloads
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4 of 4 people have found this submission useful.
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Comment by Tonmeister on Sunday January 8, 2012 at 11:35
Great and very useful utility! Thanx.

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