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Philips Pronto Classic Family File Area
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Brett's Big Easy CCF
Complete System Layout File
Added by Brett DiMichele | 2001
This system CCF is loosely modeled after the RCA universal learning remotes. It features large and easy-to-read buttons that are logicaly placed in order of impotance. All art work is original and each button has an active and inactive .bmp associated with it. At the top of each device pannel there is a direct device jump area which saves you from having to use the drop down device menu all the time. Special features include X10 lighting control and One Touch Macro's.
Components in this system:
Onkyo TX-DS797 (RC-460M)
DVD Player:
Panasonic DVD-CV51

Download attachments:
December 26, 2001
130kb, 73 downloads
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