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Mitsubishi HS-U776 VHS VCR
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Dana Rodakis | 2003
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

Download attachments:
August 3, 2003
123kb, 159 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Dana Rodakis' Home Theater
This is an update to my previous submissions that includes a bunch of cool updates and a new DirecTV receiver. Thanks to other owners for ideas and graphics.
Components in this system:
Denon AVR-5800 (Aktis RC-8000)
DSS Receiver:
Dish Network Echostar 6000
Satellite Receiver:
General Instruments DSR-922 4DTV (UNRC-20)
Mitsubishi HS-U776
CD Recorder:
Pioneer PD-R509 (CU-PD114)
CD-RW recorder.
DVD Player:
Pioneer Elite DV-38A
DVD Recorder:
Pioneer Elite DVR-7000
DVD/LD Player:
Pioneer Elite DVL-91
Pioneer Elite PRO-510HD
Satellite Receiver:
SatCruiser DSR-101
MPEG2/DVB receiver.
DSS Receiver:
Sony SAT-HD200 (RM-Y815)
SACD changer.
MiniDisc Deck:
Sony MDS-JE510 (RM-D7M)
SACD Player:
Sony SCD-CE775
SACD changer.

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