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Daniel's URC R50 & MX-450 Planner
User-Written Articles & Documentation
Added by Daniel Tonks | 2011
Since the Digital R50 & Complete Control MX-450 do not allow for easy button re-arrangement, I've created this Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to help you plan button placement and LCD labels.

Due to the R50's freeform structure, this planner is not quite as full-featured as my others, and is intended simply to assist with initial button placement.

Usage: Duplicate the spreadsheet however many times you need for the number of devices you wish to have (I've provided 6 to start). Type labels into the blue LCD boxes (maximum 7 characters times 2 lines). I suggest boldfacing hard buttons to indicate that they are in use.

Note that while it is possible to create an entirely customized R50 layout from scratch, and this planner can help you avoid mistakes, the on-remote entry process will take a very long time to complete!

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February 5, 2011
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