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Philips Pronto Classic Family File Area
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Panasonic ShowStopper PV-HS2000 Digital Video Recorder
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Dale Crawford | 2003
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

Download attachments:
January 15, 2003
626kb, 122 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Dale Crawford's EasyTheater
v1.3 EasyTheater mimics a "Home Theater Operating System" by presenting a totally new activity-based navigation system. Color-coded activities feature large, standardized Pop-Up cursor and transport controls, letting you channel and menu surf without looking at the remote. The graphical style compliments the ProntoPro interface for a unified appearance. Best of all, EasyTheater makes customization a snap for experiences CCF programmers. Comes with an illustrated manual to guide customization. Also, see the grayscale files area for a grayscale version!
Components in this system:
Cable Box:
General Instruments DCT-2000
Digital Video Recorder:
Panasonic ShowStopper PV-HS2000
DVD Player:
Panasonic DVD-A110
Panasonic PV-4060
Pioneer VSX-D608
Toshiba CF3566A

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